My cousin came along for the delivery and final set up and took several photos of me in action. Thanks Rosey!

There is a story behind this cake, one that eats at me a bit. See, I had originally said "no" to the job.
I told the customer that I had friends that could possibly help her, but I could not reach anyone. I ended up calling her back saying I would do it. What compelled me to call her back was pure, old-fashioned GUILT.
Even as I write my scattered thoughts, I still wonder why I allow myself to feel guilty for saying "no". Does the brain freak every time I say no when a person asks me to do something? Or is it because we are told from an early age not to say no but to help those we can? I have frequent flier miles racked up on guilt trips.
I'm sure this is silliness. Just got to clear the brain.
As it would have it, school and work were canceled due to all the freezing weather and I was able to stay home and bake this cake, not to mention do some sewing! :)
God provided, plain and simple.