Sunday, January 30, 2011

New post @ Elliott Cookbook blog

For those of my family who read my blog, I have a new posting.  I'm starting out with Grandma Goldie's biscuits.  I honor her with the first blog posting. :)

Elliott Family Cookbook

Keep the look out for more!


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Amy and the Elliotts

Today, I watched Julie on Julia.  A movie about how a lost writer finds her voice in blogging about her year long challenge to cook all the recipes out of Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking".

About 5 years ago, I asked my cousin(s) if we should redo the family cookbook.  It was met with great response initially but then came the collection of said recipes.  Suffice it to say, it would have been "My 3 aunts and 4 cousin's cookbook" had it gone to publication.  Aunt Rebecca: you still hold the record for sending the most.  :)

But the movie has me thinking: why not blog the Family Cookbook?  Contributors can submit their recipes.  We can try out the recipes and submit a review or suggest changes or substitutions.  Instant updates and something that can be done day by day.  I can even scan in recipes in the original handwritings.

Thanks Julie, Julia and of course, Mom.  :)